Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Change is Good.

We've made our move to Cedar. . .
It's freezing! But we're finally getting used to it. Sometimes it's nice, cause it makes us stay inside and spend time together. 2008 was an interesting year. Probably the best and worst of our lives. .. but we wouldn't trade it for anything. We've all grown so much. We recognize the Lords hand in everything, and he has given us strength to do things we never thought we could do. It's been really fun to be so close to family. Andie is loving having her aunt Stephanie and Grandma near by to give her so much attention. We love going to support our cousin's in their activities. WE had a white Christmas. It was fun for a change. My kids were excited. I am a long winded person so my daughter is going to just make me stop now.... to save you all the time. Okay.. get back to you soon.